Black lives matter and it is time for change. The beginning of change for Black people and all under-served populations is listening to what others have to say. The Platter brings us to the Table where all are welcome. to paraphrase Repair’s” Turn the Tables” … bring conversations about pressing community issues to your dinner table with the hope you and your guests leave with heightened awareness. Having the opportunity to speak up about complex issues, may you feel driven to take action in your community. With conversations like these, the world can change: table by table and city by city.
The artists at Archway Gallery put together a virtual show in response to the racism that still occurs in today’s society. Archway artists will donate 50% of all proceeds from this show to the Houston based organization, Community Artists’ Collective, which seeks to provide the educational and cultural link among African American artists and all communities to inspire unlimited creativity. The Platter is my contribution to this worthy event. To view the show and make a purchase follow the link below.
Archway Gallery’s Virtual Show #Black Lives Matter – Time For Change
The Platter may also be purchased in my Store and I will make the donation directly.